The most pirated Wii game was Super Mario Galaxy 2, with 1.28 million downloads. Mario Sports Mix (1.09 million downloads), Xenoblade Chronicles (950,000 downloads), Lego Pirates of the Caribbean (870,000 downloads) and FIFA 12 (860,000) rounded out the top five most pirated Wii games list.
Okay, I did everything. I got link from log, Downloaded it. Pasted link in the PS3 Proxy Server and added the file through directory. Everything went fine but, It just trying to download through internet and not my PC which is very slow (1.09 Battlefied 3 Update)
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Rodrigo Sales :Boa noite amigo. Tenho uma dúvida, já fiz o download da atualização 1.09 umas 3 vezes e toda vez que vai instalar dá o erro 80010038. Já fiz de tudo, até formatei. Outros jogos como Fifa 2013, atualizam de boa. Vc tem alguma ideia do que pode estar ocorrendo? Ah, estou baixando a atualização pelo PC, posto se der certo. Abraço
Titanfall 2 Update 1.09 is now available on PS4. The new update will roll out on Xbox One and PC later today. According to the patch note, the update includes the 4-player co-op mode, a new map, a new Live Fire map, new paid content, improvements, and more.
After releasing some new updates earlier this week, Naughty Dog will bring out patch 1.09 (170MB) for The Last of Us on PlayStation 3 and patch 1.03 (137MB) for The Last of Us Remastered over the next 24 hours, adding support for the new maps to both titles, while also fixing a few issues in Remastered. 2ff7e9595c